1617 E. Broad Ave Albany, GA 31705
Please print and complete all information.
STUDENT NAME: ___________________________________________________________________________
Social Security Number: ___________________________ Date of Birth: _______________________
STREET ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________
CITY ___________________ ZIP _________ PHONE NUMBER: ____________________________
FAX NUMBER: ______________________ E-MAIL ________________________________________
HOME CHURCH: ___________________________________________________________________
PASTOR’S NAME: _____________________________ TELEPHONE: ________________________
STREET ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________
CITY ___________________ ZIP _________ PHONE NUMBER: ____________________________
FAX NUMBER: ______________________ E-MAIL ________________________________________
WEBSITE ________________________________________________________
EMPLOYER NAME: _________________________________________________________________
SUPERVISOR NAME: _______________________________ TELEPHONE: ____________________
STREET ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________
CITY ___________________ ZIP _________ PHONE NUMBER: ____________________________
FAX NUMBER: ______________________ E-MAIL ________________________________________
CHRISTIAN BACKGROUND ESSAY (750 word maximum) *In your own handwriting, on separate paper, briefly give your Christian testimony. Please include:
Why you believe God wants you to complete the minister’s training program
Your personal salvation experience (testimony)
Past Christian service opportunities
Please carefully read our statement of faith and indicate your degree of support.
___ I fully support the Statement as written without mental reservations.
___ I support the statement except for the area(s) listed and explained on a separate paper. The exceptions represent either disagreements or items for which I have not yet formed an opinion or conviction.
Do you believe the Bible to be the only inspired or infallible Word of God, our final authority in all matters of faith, truth and conduct? ___ Yes ___ No
Have you been water baptized? When? ___ Yes ___ No
Are you an active member of a local church? (Regular attendance, tithing, serving, and praying) ___ Yes ___ No
How long? ______ Years
What church activities are you involved in and how often?
Since becoming a Christian, what other aspects of Christian service have you been involved with?
Have you taught Bible lessons or served in a Sunday School, Children’s Church, or Youth ministry?
___ Yes ___ No
Please describe your ability and your confidence in your ability to teach others using the Bible as the main text.
Describe your routine of personal Bible study and prayer:
What books have you read recently that have helped you spiritually?
Please submit a resume outlining work experience, previous education, awards, and activities along with three references to this application.
Please sign below after reading the following important information:
Registration payment must be received with this form except when paying by credit card.
Make checks payable to Rhema Community Restoration and mail to:
Attn: Rev. Althea Penn Rhema Community Restoration Center P. O. Box 49254 Atlanta, GA 30359
We accept Visa and MasterCard. Credit card information:
# ________________________________________________________ Visa ___ MasterCard ___
Expiration date: ______________________ CVC No. (on back of card) _____________________
Authorized Signature _______________________________________ Date ____________________
Please note there is 3% processing fee for credit card payments. Please ensure the name and zip code above match the credit card billing information/registration information . This may delay processing.
Cancellations/Substitutions:. Cancellations and substitutions must be made in writing (email acceptable). Registration may be transferred to a later session date once. All fees are non-refundable.
Withdrawal: Instructors may choose to withdraw a minister’s training candidate if the student does not meet the course requirements. A student may not appeal the instructor’s decision if (1) the student fails to formally withdraw in writing; (2) the student is suspended for disciplinary reasons; (3) the student resigns when a disciplinary action or honor code violation is suspected (including plagiarism).
Tax Deduction: The expenses incurred for ongoing professional development are tax deductible, when completed to maintain or improve professional skills. Your accountant can provide details.
Questions? Contact Minister Althea Penn at 678.557.8684 or rhemamta@yahoo.com
Signature _________________________________ Date ____________ Check or m.o. # ________